Creating Housing That Meets the Neighborhood’s Needs

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Housing Case Study Featured Image




San Francisco, California


Forge Land Development
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Craig Communications heads the public affairs efforts for a land development firm that is building high-density housing in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco.


The client faced community opposition to its proposed project, which included 316 scaled units. Opponents to this project took issue with the size of the units, stating they did not respond to community needs for family-sized housing, as well as the anticipated impacts of construction on an already vulnerable community.


Our Team launched a multi-year outreach and engagement campaign, focused on understanding and listening to the Tenderloin community. Through community meetings, 75+ individual meetings with community stakeholders, and area canvassing, we were able to find a compromise that balanced the client’s needs as well as the diverse needs of the community.


Partnering with established organizations in the Tenderloin, we crafted a community benefits package that addressed the most pressing needs in the community and alleviated some of the impacts of construction. We also responded to specific concerns about the size and affordability of units by adding additional below market rate housing, larger family units, and additional communal and balcony space. Due to the changes identified and implemented as a result of community outreach, the project was approved by the San Francisco Planning Commission, bring more affordable housing to a City that desperately needs it.